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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

MIT OpenCourseWare : Entrepreneuring Sloan School Style

A while back, MIT decided to put all its courses online. I knew it was great for techie stuff, but it hadn't occurred to me that the Sloan School of Management was included in the deal. The MIT Enterprise Forum has a list of the startup related courses and seminars at:


It's an amazing resource.

tags:blog, december, 2005, mit, sloan, opencourseware, startup, ocw

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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ruby on Rails : A pure-Ruby stack?

Apache httpd is a wonderful application, but I don't like being forced to use it (or lighttpd) when I'm using Rails. A while back, people thought that you had to use httpd in front of production Servlet applications, and I found that equally annoying. I did some performance testing[2] of Java-based web servers with an eye towards getting rid of Apache. It was a good excuse to dig into just exactly where the bottlenecks were, and the results turned out to be interesting. I've decided to do the same sort of thing with Rails. I'll post the final results over on Distributopia, but I'll add blog entries here as I hit interesting issues.

The abrupt transition from 77 request/seconds to 5 requests/second is a little suprising[5]. I want my pure-Ruby web service stack, and that sort of thing makes me nervous. Updates as I find out more...

Ok, all that stuff previously? Mark it "unable to reproduce." As soon as my laptop finishes drying out, I'll try again, but as of now it's going down as a glitch in the test setup.

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

FDK, BarCamp, Miscellany

  • There's a new Future Development Kit podcast out. I guess I really missed out not being in Dallas during the Internet Boom.

  • BarCamp Dallas proceeds apace. If you haven't signed up yet, then what are you waiting for? There are many more people doing cool things here in Dallas than I thought. Mark Cuban's Web 2.0-ish startup? Greasemonkey maintainers? Geek artists? And many more...

  • What's the deal with multi-word tags? Do you just run them together ("BarCampDallas"), or escape a space in there ("Bar%20Camp%20Dallas"), or just have several one-word tags? ("Bar" "Camp" "Dallas") Is this where tagging starts to break down and microformats start to make sense?

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