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Friday, September 28, 2007

Bar Camp Dallas 4

BarCampDallas4 is tomorrow. I didn't help out this time, but I plan to be there talking about using Amazon EC2 for load testing when you just don't have the bandwidth and CPU to do it in-house. Or maybe something different, it depends on the audience. You can just sort of show up, but be kind and register at:


See you there!

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

MobileDevCamp Geek Lunch : Portable, Distributed and Parasitic Social Networks

Based on some interest at MobileDevCamp a few of us decided to get together for a geek lunch. You know those unofficial birds-of-a-feather lunches at SXSWi? Yeah, like that. Although it depends on who exactly shows up, the topic will probably involve some practical aspects of building a web service that depends in some way on a social network. Is it better to try to import Facebook (or GMail or whatever) contacts, or chuck your private implementation and just use the Facebook API? How about distributed social networks implemented via OpenID and FOAF/XFN? Too early to depend on for anything except an experiment?

The facebook event page has the details, but right now it looks like this coming Thursday starting around 11:30 at an as-yet-undetermined venue somewhere north of Uptown and south of Addison. In Dallas. Texas. The assumption is that if you're serious about this sort of thing you've probably got a Facebook account. It's probably going to be a small-to-medium-sized group, but anyone actively working in the space is welcome. An RSVP is appreciated since we may need to reserve space.

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