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Sunday, February 26, 2006

Cocoa Dev House March 4th

Look out, west coast, Dallas is in the geek event house: Blake Burris is throwing the first Cocoa Dev House right here in Dallas next weekend, March 4th.

The emerging theme is "Time and Collaboration." The advantages of geolocation are obvious, but the full potential of time has not been anywhere near as fully exploited. The project ideas have centered around large-scale time-based collaboration (Event Mirror) and small-scale ad-hoc annotation and editing (Audipad).

But you can show up and work on anything you darned well please, alone or in a group, open source or top-secret commercial, serious or frivolous: the point it to get together with a creative group of smart people to do some OS X hacking.

The inspiration for the event was Super Happy Dev House (SHDH), a serial hack-a-thon that has resulted in everything from a Slut-O-Meter to the now-commercial PBWiki system.

If you're thinking about attending, drop by #cocoadevhouse on freenode, or check out the wiki at http://cocoadevhouse.org

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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Bar Camp Austin in March

And during SXSW. Heh. Bar Camps seem to be acquiring quite the reputation as rabble rousers and trouble makers. Yet did Sundance really arrive until Slamdance showed up? The focus on venues and events rather than on getting creative people together whicheverway is a symptom of the corporatization of creative life that I'd just as soon see fall by the wayside. That said, if it's going to happen, I'd rather see it happen in Dallas. But I'll be there anyway, you should probably go too:


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